A much needed reminder for me....especially right after Christmas!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Heaven on a sprouted corn tortilla.
I don't eat gluten.....when I'm being a good girl that is.
The day I made these fish tacos, I was being good, and it tasted WONDERFUL!
I have found out recently that I enjoy fish tacos.
I even ventured over to Rubio's on a Tuesday night for their fish taco special and enjoyed myself thoroughly...
I thought their tacos were good.........
Oooh lala!!!
I still have fond memories days later.
I think the main reason they were better was the quality of and freshness of ingredients of what I use compared to their packaged processed stuff.
I will probably eat theirs again, but when I have the energy, I'll be eating mine over theirs in a heart beat!
I have no clue what the recipe is for these since I just made it up, but I just need to record what's in em' so I can duplicate heaven at some future point in time!
Ingredients for:
Heaven on a sprouted corn tortilla.
a.k.a. gluten free fish tacos
sprouted organic corn tortillas.
fresh mayonnaise turned into tartar sauce
fresh pico de gallo
homemade fish sticks:
Mahi Mahi pieces from Trader Joes, dipped in egg and coated with corn masa, a bit of organic corn starch, a few dashes of Trader Joe's Everyday Seasoning, Sea Salt then pan fried in coconut oil.
Quick Dairy Free Rice Pudding......For Breakfast
When you choose to soak and ferment your grains, it really limits your fast breakfast options but I've found one!
Rice Pudding! My family and I LOVE this breakfast food. I cook it on the stove top and it can be made in under 10 minutes.
It's super easy if you have soaked, prepared rice. All I do is dump everything into a pot and stir until it is warm!
Since I rarely use measurements, I'm going to just share the ingredients.....to taste.
Quick Dairy Free Rice Pudding
Several cups of cooked brown rice
3 or 4 or 5 eggs cracked into the rice
some canned coconut milk
cinnamon and maybe nutmeg
rapadura or a natural sweetener
That's it!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
To eat gluten or not to eat gluten....that is the question!!!!
Several months ago, I was tested and I have a dairy allergy. It's dang hard not to eat dairy, but I feel better when I don't and I've been a fairly good girl since finding it out. Ever since then I decided not to worry about weather or not I have a gluten sensitivity because not eating dairy AND wheat is downright depressing. Only problem is that I have a feeling that gluten causes me issues. I have just been trying to ignore that idea all together. I really love bread. A LOT. We've been sprouting or fermenting all of our wheat, but I have a feeling I need to avoid it all together. :(
I sadly relate to this article in regards to brain function. My brain is so spotty at times.....especially on days like today. Dang that delicious cinnamon bread my visiting teachers gave me!!!!
What I really need to have done is a blood test so I can stop talking myself out of the fact that I probably shouldn't be consuming gluten.
I found this article interesting and wanted to remember it!
Posted: November 21, 2010 11:40 AM
Several months ago, I was tested and I have a dairy allergy. It's dang hard not to eat it, but I feel better when I don't. Ever since then I decided not to worry about weather I have a gluten sensitivity because not eating dairy AND wheat is downright depressing. Only problem is that I have a feeling that gluten causes me issues. I have just been trying to ignore that idea. I really love bread. A LOT. We've been sprouting or fermenting all of our wheat, but I have a feeling I need to avoid it all together. :(
I sadly relate to this article in regards to brain function. My brain is so shotty at times.....especially on days like today. Dang that delicious cinnemon bread my visiting teachers gave me!!!!
What I really need to have done is a blood test so I can stop talking myself out of the fact that I probably shouldn't be consuming gluten.
Several years ago, parents of a lovely nine-year-old girl, Karen, brought her to see me because she had poor memory. They indicated that she had difficulty in thinking and focusing, and because of these issues she was falling further and further behind in her school work. Interestingly, they stated that at times she was fine, while clearly at other times her brain function seemed to be different. They indicated that she had difficulty keeping her thoughts together and that she became profoundly frustrated when this would occur.
Because of her significant issues with academic performance, her parents elected to home school her. Her academic testing revealed that she was functioning at or below a third grade level in a variety of areas, including math skills, reading fluency, story recall and overall academic skills. Fortunately, she had no significant medical problems in her past and her overall physical, as well as neurological examinations were entirely normal. Routine, typical blood studies were unrevealing, so I was left to reconsider her history to see if there were any clues as to what might be causing this child's problems.
What caught my attention was the interesting fact that her problems were not constant, indicating that basically her brain was intact but something seemed to be detrimentally influencing her from time to time, causing her to have these significant issues with respect to how her brain functioned. In considering what factors change day to day in terms of someone's exposure, certainly diet is at the top of the list.
Recognizing that gluten sensitivity (a protein found in wheat, barley and rye) is extremely common, I decided to perform a simple blood test to determine if this child was gluten sensitive. When the laboratory studies were completed, we were surprised to learn that she was profoundly sensitive to gluten. So at that point I instructed her parents to put her on a gluten-free diet. While they considered this diet to be challenging, eliminating all wheat, barley and rye from her diet, nevertheless they complied. Over the next two weeks, her parents observed a remarkable change in her cognitive function. Karen suddenly was able to focus much more readily on her school work and indicated to her parents that she suddenly noticed she was thinking much more clearly. Her parents maintained her on a gluten-free diet and over the next several months continued to notice further improvements in her school work. At the end of the school year, she was tested and her grade level equivalent for math calculation skills was 5.1, reading fluency 5.6 and story recall 8.4, which is to say, functioning at a level considered "normal" midway through the year for an eighth grader.
A brief note from her parents reported:
"Karen is completing third grade this year. Prior to removing gluten from her diet, academics, especially math, were difficult. As you can see, she is now soaring in math. Based upon this test, entering the fourth grade next year, she would be at the top of her class. The teacher indicated that if she skipped fourth grade and went to fifth grade, she would be in the middle of her class. What an accomplishment!"
Louis Pasteur stated, "Chance favors the prepared mind." I am certainly grateful that chance favored us several years ago when Karen came to be evaluated. Because of this experience, I became deeply involved in research exploring the effects of gluten sensitivity on the brain. I learned that gluten sensitivity, known as celiac disease, is actually an extremely common human affliction. In fact, it has been described as "the most common human disease." Current studies indicate that about one percent of Americans are gluten sensitive. This is an astounding statistic when you consider that at the time of this writing, there are approximately 297,000,000 Americans. That means, about 3 million Americans are gluten sensitive. When you consider the population from birth to age five years is 23 million children, that means that approximately 230,000 of these children are gluten sensitive.
It seems astounding that a disease that is so common, is nevertheless, fairly obscure. Despite the fact that it was originally described in 1888, we still don't hear much about it. Standard medical text books typically describe celiac disease (gluten sensitivity) as being primarily a gastrointestinal problem. I recall in medical school being taught that celiac disease was characterized by abdominal pain, abdominal distention with bloating and gas, decreased appetite, diarrhea, nausea, unexplained weight loss and growth delay in children. Newer research indicates that celiac disease can have a profound effect on the nervous system.
Dr. Maios Hadjivassiliou of the United Kingdom, a recognized world authority on gluten sensitivity, has reported in the journal, The Lancet, that "gluten sensitivity can be primarily and at times, exclusively a neurological disease." That is, people can manifest gluten sensitivity by having issues with brain function without any gastrointestinal problems whatsoever. Dr. Hadjivassiliou indicates that the antibodies that a person has when they are gluten sensitive can be directly and uniquely toxic to the brain.
Since his original investigations in 1996, the recognition that gluten sensitivity can lead to disorders of brain function has led to a virtual explosion of scientific papers describing this relationship. Researchers in Israel have noted neurological problems in 51 percent of children with gluten sensitivity and further, describe a link between gluten sensitivity and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). As authors in a recent issue of the journal, Pediatrics, stated in their research, "This study suggests that the variability of neurologic disorders that occur in celiac disease is broader than previously reported and includes softer and more common neurologic disorders including chronic headache, developmental delay, hypotonia and learning disorders or ADHD."
The link between gluten sensitivity and problems with brain function, including learning disabilities, difficulty staying on task and even memory dysfunction, is actually not that difficult to understand. Gluten sensitivity is caused by elevated levels of antibodies against a component of gluten, gliadin. This antibody (anti-gliadin antibody) combines with gliadin when a person is exposed to any gluten containing food like wheat, barley or rye. Testing for the antibody can be performed in any doctor's office. When the antibody combines with this protein, specific genes are turned on in a special type of immune cell in the body.
When these genes are turned on, inflammatory chemicals are created called cytokines, which are directly detrimental to brain function. In fact, elevated cytokines are seen in such devastating conditions as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and even autism. Basically, the brain does not like inflammation and responds quite negatively to the presence of cytokines. Another problem with anti-gliadin antibody is that it can directly combine with specific proteins found in the brain. Specific brain proteins can look like the gliadin protein found in gluten-containing foods and the anti-gliadin antibody just can't tell the difference. This direct role of anti-gliadin antibody in combining with specific proteins in the brain, has been described for decades and again leads to the formation of cytokines, the chemical mediators of inflammation. This is an example of turning on genes that ultimately function in a negative way in relation to brain health and function.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Our fine flatware and a yummy eazy pizza sensation!
The Goal: To avoid eating too much starch.
The Solution: Sprouted Grain
I watch my starch intake. One way I do that is by eating things with sprouted grain. This is a pizza we made w/ Ezeikiel tortillas.
The result....the yummiest pizza ever.
Not only that, but I feel amazing after I eat eat it
I still remember how I felt after eating a store bought pizza w/ white flour rising crust. I felt YUCK. There is A BIG difference. This is how we make pizza now in our home.
All I do is rinse the frozen Ezeikiel tortilla in water, then cook it on both sides in coconut oil. When it begins to get crispy I add a good sauce and the toppings right there on the skillet. I just cook it until the tortilla is crispy and the cheese is melted.
The ingredients:
Trader Joe's Sauce
Raw cheddar
I topped it with uncooked onions, red peppers and fresh basil
I also top it with fresh mozzarella, fresh tomatoes and basil.
Homemade Mayonnaise
So.....today we tried to make homemade mayo.
It was eggy oil.
Next time, we're going to follow the rules.
This is the recipe I'm going to use:
I found this tutorial. I hope it works, because I'm tired of buying mayo made with sub-par ingredients at a high price!!! (That means mayo w/ soy or canola oil.)
I'll let you know how it goes after we make it following the rules. ;)
It was eggy oil.
Next time, we're going to follow the rules.
This is the recipe I'm going to use:
I found this tutorial. I hope it works, because I'm tired of buying mayo made with sub-par ingredients at a high price!!! (That means mayo w/ soy or canola oil.)
I'll let you know how it goes after we make it following the rules. ;)
To Do.
Make tooth paste!
I'm going to make this. I already use the clay and xylitol, but separately. Looks like "interesting" stuff huh!? ;)
I'm going to make this. I already use the clay and xylitol, but separately. Looks like "interesting" stuff huh!? ;)
Friday, June 25, 2010
Tonight's tangent......what does sparingly mean anyways????
I'm constantly trying to decide what to eat around here....there are sooo many different opinions and schools of thought. This is my brainstorm about MEAT! :)
Last night we had perch with withered spinach, avocados and tomatoes. Tonight we had a vegetarian dish since I had tuna for lunch. We had peas, green beans, and onions with a small amount of rice pasta topped with olive oil and spices. I would have loved to eat it with with chicken, but in our home I try not to combine protein and starch because I have been learning about food combining and how it effects digestion.
Last night we had perch with withered spinach, avocados and tomatoes. Tonight we had a vegetarian dish since I had tuna for lunch. We had peas, green beans, and onions with a small amount of rice pasta topped with olive oil and spices. I would have loved to eat it with with chicken, but in our home I try not to combine protein and starch because I have been learning about food combining and how it effects digestion.
DEFINE: SPARINGLY. Google spat out:
- In a sparing manner; with frugality, moderation, scantiness, reserve, forbearance, or the like; sparsely
Next I decided to put out the inquiry on Facebook.
Seriously....anyone want to tell me how they interpret the word sparingly!?!? I'm pretty sure it means not to eat a T-bone every day, but aside from that, I'm perpetually stumped!
I just am really interested in the word sparingly. To some it means...being a vegetarian which is over the top for me. To some it is meat a few times a month and for others it's probably only eating a 4 oz. steak every night instead of a 16 oz!
I'm still waiting for responses.
I'm sure my close friends saw the post and just thought to themselves, here she goes again!
Whenever I hear the hymn In Our Lovely Deseret and we sing: And they eat but of very little meat, I always wonder what goes through the minds of the people in the congregation. ;)
Here are the lyrics:
I'm still waiting for responses.
I'm sure my close friends saw the post and just thought to themselves, here she goes again!
Whenever I hear the hymn In Our Lovely Deseret and we sing: And they eat but of very little meat, I always wonder what goes through the minds of the people in the congregation. ;)
Here are the lyrics:
That the children may live long,
And be beautiful and strong,
Tea and coffee and tobacco they despise,
Drink no liquor, and they eat
But a very little meat;
They are seeking to be great and good and wise.
(Hymn #307, In Our Lovely Deseret, by Eliza R. Snow)
And be beautiful and strong,
Tea and coffee and tobacco they despise,
Drink no liquor, and they eat
But a very little meat;
They are seeking to be great and good and wise.
(Hymn #307, In Our Lovely Deseret, by Eliza R. Snow)
I have been thinking about this topic on and off for years. Sometimes I am what I would call and "eatlittlemeatarian" that means that I really eat very little meat. The only meat we got was when we were visiting family or went out to eat.
I think I just need to decide what is sparingly for me right now.Lately though, the word carnivore comes to my mind when I think about that yummy ribeye i ate (and really enjoyed) last week. Currently I eat about 3-4 ounces of animal protein a day. Sometimes it's far more. That's more than I've eaten in years! Right now, my freezer is overflowing with 1/2 of a yummy grassfed cow, so I've been a bit OVERLY excited about eating meat. I'm pregnant so my nutritional needs are different, but I don't want to overdo it either. I'm totally craving meat!!!
I guess after all of this research, I just need to listen to my body AND the spirit.... as it directs me what I should do and what SPARINGLY means for me and my family. :)
Here are some excerpts from a google search and found insight from the articles I liked to below and highlighted key points in yellow.
Here are some excerpts from a google search and found insight from the articles I liked to below and highlighted key points in yellow.
If anyone out there thinking about this topic would like to share what they have learned, do share. I would love to hear your comments! ; )
President Spencer W. Kimball noted:
"Regarding the eating of meat, the Church leaves that also to the discretion of the individual. What would be required by one person might be too much for another. It would seem to me that a man engaged in very heavy, physical manual labor would require more meat than one sitting at a desk. If one's physical condition required an extra supply of meat, I would not worry about the breaking of the Word of Wisdom, in that matter especially, if this was on doctor's orders or if they felt that this was the thing to do. " (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p.202)Finally, one reason the Church has not issued more specific instructions regarding the eating of meat is because the proper amount of meat varies for each person according to their individual nature and circumstances. Therefore, the Church teaches its members the correct principle (i.e., eat meat sparingly) and allows them the freedom to implement it in their own lives as their conscience so instructs them.
Ezra Taft Benson, 13th President
We need a generation of young people who, as Daniel, eat in a more healthy manner than to fare on the “kings meat”—and whose countenances show it.
But what needs additional emphasis are the positive aspects...the need for vegetables, fruits, and grain, particularly wheat...We need a generation of people who eat in a healthier manner.
In general, the more food we eat in its natural state and the less it is refined without additives, the healthier it will be for us. To a great extent we are physically what we eat….What needs additional emphasis are the positive aspects--the need for vegetables, fruits, and grains, particularly wheat. In most cases, the closer these can be, when eaten, to their natural state -- without overrefinement and processing -- the healthier we will be. To a significant degree, we are an overfed and undernourished nation digging an early grave with our teeth, and lacking the energy that could be ours because we overindulge in junk foods….we need a generation of young people who, as Daniel, eat in a more healthy manner than to fare on the "king's meat" -- and whose countenances show it.
- Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson , p. 476-77
D&C 89:12. Flesh Is to Be Used Sparingly
“The Word of Wisdom is not a system of vegetarianism. Clearly, meat is permitted [see D&C 42:18]. Naturally, that includes animal products, less subject than meat to putrefactive and other disturbances, such as eggs, milk, and cheese. These products cannot be excluded simply because they are not mentioned specifically. By that token most of our foodstuffs could not be eaten.” (Widtsoe, Evidences and Reconciliations, 3:156–57.)D&C 89:13. “Only in Times of Winter, or of Cold, or Famine”
This verse has caused some to ask if meat should be eaten in the summer. Meat has more calories than fruits and vegetables, which some individuals may need fewer of in summer than winter. Also, before fruits and vegetables could be preserved, people often did not have enough other food to eat in winter. Spoiled meat can be fatal if eaten, and in former times meat spoiled more readily in summer than winter. Modern methods of refrigeration now make it possible to preserve meat in any season. The key word with respect to the use of meat is sparingly (D&C 89:12).http://www.eldersconference.org/womenscouncil/class/wow/WOWLesson2.pdf
What does sparingly mean? The World Health Organization says we only need 1 oz of
meat or poultry IF we have sufficient calories in our diet. The problem with a large part of
the world is they don’t have sufficient calories in their diet so the protein they eat must be
converted to energy, because the primary need is for energy.
However, most nutritionists say that the safer amount is about 3 oz of animal protein per
day. That is a piece of meat about the size of the palm of a woman’s hand, or the size of a
deck of cards.
http://en.fairmormon.org/Word_of_Wisdom/Eat_meat_sparinglySo, just as past members struggled as individuals and a group to keep some parts of the Word of Wisdom, it is arguable that some members today likewise struggle. As with the former members, the Lord is merciful and has not yet created a "standard" for meat consumption—each member and his or her conscience settles the matter with him or herself.
Joseph Fielding Smith seems to take this attitude:
- While it is ordained that the flesh of animals is for man's food, yet this should be used sparingly. The wording of this revelation is perfectly clear in relation to this subject, but we do not always heed it.[1]
To be certain, the last correction any Latter-day Saints needs is from a cynical critic trying to use this as one more chink in someone's spiritual armor. But, as good Christians, we can appreciate the reminder, examine our conscience, and pay the critics or their issues no further worry. They do not have our spiritual well-being at heart.
Meat sparingly. Again, sparing is a good word. It means "sparing Gods creatures." It is to be used with thanksgiving and not with gluttony, which is one of the national weaknesses. (Overweight is one of our national diseases.) That's gluttony, which is one of the seven deadly sins. You have a right to meat, according to the 49th section of the Doctrine and Covenants. The family who needs a deer to get through the winter have a right to that. The Lord will not deny them, but He is also pleased with those who forbear. They can eat meat only in times of starvation, winter, cold, famine. "Starve" means to die of cold as well as of famine. And the Saints need meat to see them through the winter and restore their fainting strength. Remember the miracle of the quails, for example. Game only in times of famine and excess of hunger. But the supplies are limited, and we cannot afford to hunt the year round, promiscuously. At the first sight of buffalo in Iowa—the plain was covered with buffalo as far as the eye could see—Brigham Young called the brethren together and told them not to shoot one unless they absolutely need it. And this turned out to be a great blessing for them.
GREAT ensign article from 1977!!!
The Do’s in the Word of Wisdom
By Lora Beth Larson
“Flesh … Sparingly” The second general area for positive action deals with animals and meat:
“Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;
“And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.” (D&C 89:12–13.)
We realize that the Word of Wisdom does not advocate total vegetarianism when we read another scripture:
“And whoso forbiddeth to abstain from meats, that man should not eat the same, is not ordained of God;
“For, behold, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and that which cometh of the earth, is ordained for the use of man for food and for raiment, and that he might have in abundance.” (D&C 49:18–19; see also 1 Tim. 4:1–3.)
What is meat’s nutritional value? It contains good quality protein and iron. The general nutritional composition of eggs is enough like meat that they are considered a “meat alternate.” Milk and cheeses are also high in protein, but contain calcium instead of iron. Dried peas and beans such as pigeon peas, navy beans, and soybeans contain moderate to high quality protein as well as some iron, so these may be used as meat alternates.
Grains contain less protein than most of these other foods; it’s also of poorer quality. However, grain protein contributes to the day’s total, especially when eaten with meat or meat alternates. Vegetables contain only small amounts of protein, and fruits practically none at all. Thus a diet which relies totally on grains, fruits, and vegetables usually means protein deficiency.
In addition to protein, meats provide us with several of the vitamins in the vitamin B group: thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine. One member of this group, vitamin B12, is found only in meat, milk, cheese, and eggs; thus strict vegetarians must take a vitamin B12 supplement to avoid eventual irreversible damage to their spinal cord. Meats also contribute to a full feeling after a meal, because they contain some fat, which stays in our stomach longer than the other nutrients.
However, we are admonished to use meat sparingly. This caution is certainly understandable considering how heavily nineteenth-century Americans relied on meat when the Word of Wisdom was given. But even in our day of more balanced diets, we are aware of some problems when the meat intake is very high, as advocated by some dieters or by athletes who do not understand muscle physiology.
When meat makes up the main part of our food intake, we crowd out other foods and, consequently, their nutrients. In a recent extreme example, a widower had milk for breakfast, a hamburger for lunch, and steak for dinner. He disliked onions and other vegetables, thought potatoes were “fattening,” and was not interested in fruit. He developed scurvy! 5 Meats are also sources of fat, primarily saturated fat, and cholesterol. People who need to cut down their total calories may need to cut down on the total amount of fat in their diet. Individuals who have some of the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease may need to limit their intake of saturated fat and cholesterol as well as total fat and calories. Table 1 shows the fat and cholesterol content of some foods, but individual recommendations for intake vary.
Table 1: Calories, Protein, Fat, and Cholesterol in Common Meats and Alternates 6
Some researchers believe that a diet high in meat is linked with a higher incidence of colon cancer and diverticular disease. (Diverticula are small pockets on the large intestine which may become inflamed.) However, since it’s almost impossible to have a high meat diet without having a high fat and low fiber intake as well, it’s not clear what actually causes the intestinal problems. In Utah, where per capita beef consumption is slightly higher than the national average, the incidence of cancer of the colon still is less than the incidence among Seventh Day Adventists, even though many of the latter group practice a vegetarian diet. 7 Thus, the relationship between a high meat diet and cancer needs further investigation.Another problem more clearly associated with a high meat (or a high protein) diet is the extra work placed on the kidneys. Protein not needed for building or repairing body tissue is broken down; part of the molecule is used for energy or stored as fat while the other part of the molecule is excreted as waste in urine.
Protein in the diet also influences calcium retention. Our teeth and bones need calcium throughout life, but the body doesn’t retain it well when the protein intake is considerably higher than necessary. Reducing meat intake might actually benefit those with limited calcium intake, although of course they’d need to be sure that their protein intake is still adequate.
How much do we actually need? The National Research Council estimates individuals need .8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. 8 Thus a 70 kilogram man (150 pounds) needs approximately 54 grams of protein daily. Table 2 shows a combination of foods this man could eat to meet his protein needs. It is easy to make substitutions; for more detailed information on protein in foods consult a table of food values. In most states and countries a publication listing food values is available from government agencies.
Table 2. Foods Contributing to the Protein Intake of a 70 Kilogram Man
Food and Amount | Protein Grams |
3 oz. meat (fish, poultry, etc.) | 22* |
1 8 oz. glass of milk | 9* |
1 cup cooked dry beans (pinto, navy, etc.) | 15 |
4 slices of bread | 8 |
1 potato | 2 |
1 oz. cheddar cheese | 7* |
* High quality protein | |
We are told in Doctrine and Covenants 89:12–13 [D&C 89:12–13] that the use of meats is more appropriate during times of winter, cold, or famine. Why? We’re not certain. Our present knowledge about the body’s protein requirement suggests that we need the same amount of protein throughout the year, although we can certainly emphasize different sources in different seasons. In this area as in others, there’s definitely room for additional research.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Great list of home remedies!!!
My Home Medicine Cabinet – What I Use to Remedy Ailments
May 19, 2010
By Raine Saunders It is a good idea to replace items every so often to make certain the contents have not spoiled or gone rancid (such as olive oil or sesame oil), or lost their potency. But for the most part, many of these items stay in my cupboard for months or years, and I don’t have to replace them very often.
Here are my “medicine cabinet” staples:
Activated charcoal – a natural detoxifier and remover of waste, charcoal is a substance that is used to carry out undesirable substances from the digestive tract. Make certain you find a variety that does not use petroleum as a base for the charcoal preparation and is considered “food grade” and comes from a source such as coconut or bamboo. Excellent to use when experiencing abdominal cramping, bloating, gas, upset stomach, or diarrhea. This supplement is normally effective when taken one to three times in a row, depending on the severity of the symptom. Baths – can also be used as poultice, compress or bath treatment for pain, infection, swelling, or detoxification purposes. We use Nature’s Way activated charcoal. Safe for children.
Aloe vera – aloe vera juice is great for digestion and immune system function and support, and can be taken daily between (at least two hours after) or ahead of meals. Take 1 to 2 ounces daily. It is also great for the skin (both externally and internally used) and is a good base in making homemade cosmetics (think deodorant, tooth cleaners, soaps, shampoos, etc.) A good brand available from the health food store is George’s. You can add your aloe vera juice to water (it basically tastes like water), juice, smoothies, or just drink it straight.
Apple cider vinegar – besides a great natural cleaning agent (dilute with water and use anywhere in your home), ACV is great as a daily supplement added to salads, water, or juice. When you are sick or have a cold or flu, it can be taken several times a day to add essential amino acid compounds and good bacteria to support your body and immune system. It is best to drink it with a straw, as repeated use of ACV can wear away the enamel on your teeth. I recommend raw apple cider vinegar that has not been processed nor pasteurized. Bragg’s is an excellent brand and contains the “mother”, a gelatinous substance formed during the final step of fermentation containing valuable minerals, enzymes, and nutrients.
Arnica – a perennial species belonging to the sunflower family, can be used for pain and bruising. It is a plant that has been shown in clinical settings to reduce inflammation by dilating blood vessels and capillaries to assist in transporting fluids and blood accumulations. In the cream form, apply it full strength topically (to the skin) to heal wounds and cuts, and reduce swelling. Its use internally should be avoided unless used in an official homeopathic herbal preparation where it is diluted down with guidance from a knowledgeable practitioner.
Castor oil - useful for detoxification (for liver and other organs), sore muscles, strains, sprains, or bruising, and PMS. It is a versatile, natural oil used for many different needs. Castor oil packs are widely recommended by practitioners for patients, and especially for complimentary care in cancer treatment. Castor oil packs are also used to shrink tumors and cysts, as applied directly to the affected area. Keep castor oil in the refrigerator when not in use. If it becomes cloudy or discolored, discard.
Use a small piece of fabric (wool or cotton flannel is best); cut a square, tripled or quadrupled over – can be as small as 4 x 4 inches or larger, depending on the area you are treating. Get a small dish (such as a casserole dish) and pour castor oil over the fabric and saturate, taking care not to get oil on other fabrics, upholstery, and clothing.
Get a water bottle and fill with hot water (not over 120 degrees). Apply fabric pack directly to skin and place the water bottle over the pack. You can use an old towel or t-shirt to make sure castor oil does not spread to your furniture or bed. The best time to do castor oil packs is in the evening before bed, and you should leave the pack on for 30 minutes to an hour. Try to remain quiet and in a resting state, without interruption.
Cayenne pepper – a great remedy for sore throats, colds, flus, and respiratory infections. It is rich in minerals and vitamins, and also a good digestive and cardiovascular aid. Great for digestive woes like bloating, gas, constipation, stomach cramping, allergies, poor circulation, chronic pain, headaches, and toothaches. It actually works to expand blood vessels to aid in carrying nutrients contained in pepper and other foods to the cells in your body. Cayenne can help stabilize blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It is also a powerful, natural detoxificant agent for the whole body. Dr. John R. Christopher’s (well-known herbalist) School of Natural Healing (book) and web site discusses many effective herbal remedies, including cayenne pepper.
To use cayenne pepper internally, add 1/4 to a 1/2 teaspoon to a cup of about 6 ounces or more of warm water. The mixture will be spicy, so use caution. Sip or drink as able until gone. For added detoxification benefit and taste, you can add some Grade B maple syrup and lemon juice. It can also be used topically to wounds or cuts. You can apply the pepper directly to the wound or use 1/4 cayenne in a home-made solution with salt water. Use a small amount of water and salt to make a paste and apply. If necessary, cover with bandages or gauze.
Coconut oil – a natural antifungal and antiviral oil that can kill yeast (it’s great for those experiencing candida), use on skin for body moisturizing, abrasions, sunburn, chapping or chaffing, cuts, bruises, scrapes, conditioner for hair, diaper rash, use in cooking as a healthy, medium chain triglyceride fat, and is also a great digestive aid and because of its caprylic acid content, can be used to help control candida issues – for use alone or with any meal.
Colloidal silver – this substance has many uses and can be taken internally as well as applied topically. We use silver mostly for cuts and wounds. It heals very fast. Just apply a small amount and cover with a bandage or gauze strip. Some people use it successfully as a nasal spray or in a neti pot preparation for sinus and respiratory issues and allergies. I have found it works best on cuts and wounds. We use Natural -Immunogenics Sovereign Silver.
Cranberry juice (unsweetened, concentrated) – this is a great juice to take every day for lymphatic health and detoxification. I use about 8 ounces to 64 ounces of filtered water and drink daily. If desired, you can add fresh squeezed lemon or orange juice to the mixture, and Stevia or raw honey if the natural tartness is too much. It’s great for kidney health and contains many trace minerals and vitamins. I enjoy mine straight.
Dental/tooth/gum -Tooth and Gums Tonic – an all-natural, highly concentrated preparation made from ecologically-produced and sustainably harvested wild herbs echinacea and gotu kola, and oils of peppermint, red thyme, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus and lavender. This is one of the only substances I have ever found that works on canker sores (even over lysine), and is great for a mouthwash or substitute for brushing your teeth if you find yourself without a toothbrush. As it is highly concentrated, only small amounts are needed for use at a time, and depending on how much you use it, a bottle could last for months. Tastes amazing! You must have a consent form faxed or mailed from a dentist prior to purchasing these products.
One of the best preventative measures I can think of for dental health for our family is to avoid grains. Some people question this (my parents insist on feeding my son these things when he is with them), but without fail when my son eats a lot of grains, he is sure to have terrible plaque build-up and gets frequent canker sores. We don’t eat a lot of processed grains in our home; most of what we consume is the soaked and sprouted grains, and they are eaten sparingly. On weekends we might have sprouted pancakes and during the week sometimes we eat sprouted toast. Rarely do I make hot cereals, even, anymore. But when we do, I soak them overnight, cook, and serve with lots of butter, milk or yogurt, homemade granola with sprouted nuts, and fruit.
Carrier oils – pressed from the fatty portion of a plant or food (such as nuts, kernels, and seeds) and are used with essential oils (see below). These oils do not impart their scent as strongly as essential oils. Used to carry and dilute stronger oils which alone can cause irritation or burning. Here are some examples of carrier oils: sweet almond, avocado, borage, apricot kernel, jojoba, hemp seed, sunflower, sesame, pecan, macadamia, olive, or coconut oil.
Carrier oils go rancid fairly quickly (except for coconut oil) and should be used up or replaced often. You can use approximately a 5 to 1 ratio of carrier to essential oil mixture for topical use on the skin, or follow the directions on the package. Therapeutic grade oils are the best quality to use.
Essential oils – are distilled from the bark, roots, and other aromatic components of botanicals, herbs, and plants. I use doterra therapeutic grade oils.
Here are some of the mixtures I use:
Digestion: ginger, peppermint, tarragon, fennel, anise, caraway, and coriander. When someone has an upset stomach, use a carrier oil and a few drops of these oils to massage gently into abdominal area and on the bottoms of the feet. You can also add a few drops to hot water and sip.
Respiratory/Allergies: eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, melaleuca, laurel leaf, and tea tree oil. Use a few drops in hot steam as aromatherapy (breathing preparation) or in a neti pot or saline spray wash with a home-made saline solution and/or add some of the contents of a probiotics capsule as well.
Headache/stress/tension: lavendar, lemon, peppermint, or melaleuca are all good oils to use – combined or alone. Use 2 – 3 drops essential oil to 3-4 drops carrier on a cotton ball and apply to affected area. We use essential oils on our foreheads and temples for headaches, which works quite well. Also make certain you a hydrated with filtered water that has minerals, or add some unsweetened cranberry juice to your water. Minerals are essential in staying hydrated.
Immune Boosting/Prevention of flus/colds, and other illnesses: wild orange, clove bud, rosemary, eucalyptus, and cinnamon. Dilute and use as a gargle for prevention or when you feel a cold, flu, or sore throat coming on. Dilute in spray bottles with purified water to clean doorknobs, floors, countertops, and other public-use surfaces. Use a few drops in an empty gelatin capsule for immune support.
Respiratory/sinus: Oil of oregano, one of the most powerful, natural antibiotics can be used for various issues like stomach upset, diarrhea, colds, flus, and respiratory or sinus infections. You can buy good quality wild, Mediterranean oregano from most health food stores. The preparation is often contained in a carrier mix such as olive oil. You can also mix your own saline at home with sea salt and filtered water and mix oil of oregano along with clove bud oil, bay leaf, and sage for use in a neti pot or a nasal spray in a bottle.
Another great way to clear congestion and mucous out of your sinus and nasal passages is to put a few drops of eucalyptus and tea tree oil on a cotton ball. Put the cotton ball in a clean, empty bottle such as an old vitamin or mineral supplement container. Plug one nostril at a time and breathe deeply from the bottle multiple times. Tea tree oil is a natural antifungal, antiseptic, and disinfectant and its fumes are powerful enough to ward off an infection in your respiratory tract if started quickly enough.
Taken orally, I just add the Oil of Oreganol P73 by North American Herb & Spice to filtered water (read bottle directions, usually no more than 3 -5 drops) and drink it down. It has a strong, spicy flavor. Use a slice of lemon to remove the taste in your mouth, if desired, afterward.Fermented cod liver oil – this is a food as well as a great remedy for colds, flus, and other illness. Although we take FCLO everyday, if someone in my family is sick, we load up on this important food which is packed with nutrients like Vitamins A and D. We use Green Pastures Blue Ice Royal.
Garlic – a great, natural antifungal, immune booster, and detoxifier. Eat raw (if you can stand it). Or, crush a few cloves of garlic and add to 4 cups water, bring to a boil and then sip. Garlic is good for infections – bacterial and viral. Also good for sinus infections and is good for digestion. Garlic oil is great mixed with other essential oils like eucalyptus, tea tree, and echinacea and a carrier oil (see above) for ear infections and stopped up ear canals.
Goldenseal root – this herb is a bitter tasting potent and used for aiding digestion, curing infections and inflammation, and can be purchased in powder form from the health food store. Although I have never used it for this purpose, it is apparently useful for canker sores and as an earwash as well, when added to warm water as a gargle or washing agent. It can also be applied topically to cuts, bruises, and infected areas of the skin. Because it is expensive and concentrated, you only need small amounts at a time when purchasing from the store, and it is wise to remember that a little goes a long way.
I have used it successfully for conjunctivitis. The preparation you can make for multiple uses (see above) is about a 1/4 teaspoon to about 16 ounces (half a quart) of boiling water, and then drained the powder out with a cheesecloth. The remaining “tea” can be used as a wash for the eyes, ears or skin, or to sip several times a day. The “tea” can develop mold sometimes within a day or two, and should be kept in the refrigerator and until discarded and then remade until the infection is gone.
Olive oil – use on your skin and body for moisturizing, eat on salads and light cooking (low temperature heat), and for oil pulling. Oil pulling is a useful way to detoxify your body and remove dangerous substances. Use 2 tablespoons of oil, first thing in the morning before eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth. Swish the oil in your mouth for 10 minutes and then spit out into a garbage can. Oil pulling should be done multiple times for maximum effect. Improves mouth or gum disease, chronic infections and many other health issues.
Probiotics - if you are a person who regularly eats fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, lacto-fermented vegetables, etc. you are probably getting a good supply of friendly bacteria from real food in your diet, which is essential to health. Sometimes though, we all need a boost. I keep therapeutic-grade probiotics in our house at all times, which we take daily, but also for when anyone is not feeling well – whether it’s a common cold, sore throat, flu, upset stomach, diarrhea, or anything else. Here are the brands we use: BioKult, Biotics Research, Prescript-Assist, Advanced Naturals. It is a good idea to switch brands every few months to ensure diversity of bacteria in the gut.
Good quality probiotics are essential to your health; it’s not a good idea to skimp on quality because the majority of products on the market do not actually contain the strains nor the numbers of bacteria shown on the label, contain genetically-modified material, and some products are made from toxic sources such as (gasp!), human bowel waste.
For sinus and upper respiratory infections or issues, break open a capsule and add some of the powder to your neti pot or to a sinus spray bottle. Read my testimony here of how I cured a serious sinus infection with probiotics in my neti pot.
Probiotics are safe for children to take. My son takes them every day of his life, and when he’s sick, I give him more. I can’t think of any instance where he has had an upset stomach or diarrhea and probiotics didn’t improve his condition.
Raw honey – Honey is a natural as a dietary supplement and as a topical application for infections, flus, and colds and supports digestion and immune function. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of raw honey in warm water with 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon or take straight several times daily for coughs, colds, and related ailments. You can also take raw honey and cinnamon with lemon in water as well for health.
Sesame oil – is useful for massaging into the skin and for oil pulling (see olive oil above) to remove impurities and toxins from the body.
Last but not least, my home medicine cabinet wouldn’t be nearly as effective without the fact that our kitchen is always stocked with plenty of nourishing, real food. Come take a peek and find out what our staples are – foods we rely on for continued health and well-being.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Agave is NOT a health food.
I read this article a long time ago and it WAS a shocker to me.
Now it makes total sense that AGAVE NECTAR is NOT a health food.
I'm just sticking to Stevia whenever possible and raw honey here and there.
(unless I'm a bad girl, which i'm trying not to be. :) )
Read this about AGAVE. It might change your mind too.
Shocking! This 'Tequila' Sweetener is Far Worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup
Now it makes total sense that AGAVE NECTAR is NOT a health food.
I'm just sticking to Stevia whenever possible and raw honey here and there.
(unless I'm a bad girl, which i'm trying not to be. :) )
Read this about AGAVE. It might change your mind too.
Shocking! This 'Tequila' Sweetener is Far Worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Why we gain weight: Adiposity 101 by Gary Taubes
I just watched this and was intrigued.
I just watched this and was intrigued.
Friday, April 9, 2010
oral health
Tonight I am researching about dental health. my children have HORRIBLE teeth despite a diet that is mainly whole foods. I don't like the mentality of traditional dentistry to drill out the bad and fill it up alone. I want to know WHY their teeth are not healthy...not meerly put a band-aid on them. I want to fix their teeth. This is a comment I read in Dr. Mercola's article:Tooth Regeneration that I want to remember.
The first sites that come to mind are for the two groups formed to continue the work of Weston A. Price.
The Price-Pottenger Foundation's site has a blue & white theme,
though I haven't found the x-ray photos you describe. (I've seen them in Price's book, Nutrition & Physical Degeneration, though!)
Here's a letter Price wrote to his family hoping to help them avoid dental decay and maintain health:
And here's the site for the Weston A. Price Foundation,
which I find easier to use, but has a red & white scheme:
From what I've read, the first steps in healing cavities should be adding High Vitamin Cod Liver Oil and Butter Oil to the diet.
After that, it's a long list:
-fermented foods (that have not been heated & canned- healthy sauerkraut is crunchy, not limp and stringy like the junk at the supermarket)
-raw dairy and meat from animals who lived on fresh green grass
-eggs from outdoor, healthy chickens
Also, of course, is the Removal from your diet:
Sugar, refined flours, and everything made from these.
Traditional food preparation often included sprouting grains before use.
Here's an article on Cod Liver Oil:
See also, Sally Fallon's book, Nourishing Traditions. It's a mix of articles on the subject with lots of recipes.
Though I like Sandor Felix Katz' book, Wild Fermentation, much better when it comes to making fermented foods. Sauerkraut is amazingly easy to make. We also make a lot of raw yogurt. Good stuff.
The first sites that come to mind are for the two groups formed to continue the work of Weston A. Price.
The Price-Pottenger Foundation's site has a blue & white theme,
though I haven't found the x-ray photos you describe. (I've seen them in Price's book, Nutrition & Physical Degeneration, though!)
Here's a letter Price wrote to his family hoping to help them avoid dental decay and maintain health:
And here's the site for the Weston A. Price Foundation,
which I find easier to use, but has a red & white scheme:
From what I've read, the first steps in healing cavities should be adding High Vitamin Cod Liver Oil and Butter Oil to the diet.
After that, it's a long list:
-fermented foods (that have not been heated & canned- healthy sauerkraut is crunchy, not limp and stringy like the junk at the supermarket)
-raw dairy and meat from animals who lived on fresh green grass
-eggs from outdoor, healthy chickens
Also, of course, is the Removal from your diet:
Sugar, refined flours, and everything made from these.
Traditional food preparation often included sprouting grains before use.
Here's an article on Cod Liver Oil:
See also, Sally Fallon's book, Nourishing Traditions. It's a mix of articles on the subject with lots of recipes.
Though I like Sandor Felix Katz' book, Wild Fermentation, much better when it comes to making fermented foods. Sauerkraut is amazingly easy to make. We also make a lot of raw yogurt. Good stuff.
Friday, April 2, 2010
MY MICROWAVE.....repourposed!!!
I've heard that using a microwave is bad for quite sometime.
I'm finally ready to follow the advice to stop using it to kill my food.
Instead... it is now a storage cabinet! ;)
Ten Reasons to Throw out your Microwave Oven
From the conclusions of the Swiss, Russian and German scientific clinical studies, we can no longer ignore the microwave oven sitting in our kitchens. Based on this research, we will conclude this article with the following:
1. Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term - permanent - brain damage by "shorting out" electrical impulses in the brain [de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue].
2. The human body cannot metabolize [break down] the unknown by-products created in microwaved food.
3. Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating microwaved foods.
4. The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual [long term, permanent] within the human body.
5. Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down.
6. The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in microwave ovens.
7. Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths [tumors]. This may explain the rapidly increased rate of colon cancer in America.
8. The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood.
9. Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.
10. Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence.
Have you tossed out your microwave oven yet?
The use of artificial microwave transmissions for subliminal psychological control, a.k.a. "brainwashing", has also been proven. We're attempting to obtain copies of the 1970's Russian research documents and results written by Drs. Luria and Perov specifying their clinical experiments in this area.
Written by Anthony Wayne and Lawrence Newell
International common Law Copyright 2000
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